Frequently Asked Questions

Was Ideológica or Equipe bought by someone? Who bought who?

No, there is no purchase of any company. The two companies joined together to offer a better service in the technology segment in software and applications for laundries, sewing ateliers and shoe fixers.

What does the customer gain from this merger?

The merger will favor everyone with more options for software and applications, in addition to constant improvements and updates. All this, aiming even more at the quality of our solutions and support to our customers.

I have a system for both companies, do I still need to pay for both?

If you choose to continue with the two systems, the payment of the two contracts must follow
normally, you will receive more than one HYBEX slip. If in doubt, please enter
Contact our finance department at .

I got the payment order on the App, will it continue there? Will there be any changes?

The payment orders are officially sent via the store's registration email, if you prefer, contact us at
we make cadastral adjustment. The APP that provides the ticket is already in operation and can be
used to download the slips, it was inoperative for some time, however, it is now
released again.

Will payment orders have automatic debit?

Not yet, only via DDA. The slips are all registered, check the DDA of your bank,
you will find the ticket to just give an OK. Remember that Team and Ideology is now: “ESI VGM INFORMÁTICA LTDA (Hybex)”.

Will there be a change in the answering phones or should I call only the phone number of my unit of origin?

For now, we will not have changes in the phones, we will keep the numbers of the units of
origin. If you have any questions we will be at your disposal.

    Fale com a Hybex

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